Helloooo BeyHive!!!!!! Im excited about this update..i hope you guys love it! <3
All of a sudden, a bunch of loud noise came rushing in through the emergency
room doors...
Paramedics: *talking into a walkie talkie* were bringing
her in now...*begins wheeling a woman in on a stretcher*
Solo: goodness
this girl never answer her- *turns around* O_O Thu?
Solo turned around
to a glimpse of a lifeless Beyonce on a stretcher with and oxygen
Ty: Oh My God! :O
Jay walked in shortly after with two
paramedics by his side.
Angie: *holds stomach* Jay what
Kanye: *turns around*
*runs to follow her sister*
Nurse: *stops her* Im sorry ma'm you cant go
back there!
Solo: *cries* But thats my sister!
Nurse: I understand
that ma'm but only doctors are allowed pass this point..
Solo: ma'm *tries to get around her* I dont think you understand..thats my sister...
Ty: *grabs Solo* *with tears in his eyes* let the woman do her job Solo..*sits solo down*
Jay: There was a fire..*coughs*
Angie: *holds stomach; with eyes full of tears* at the house?
Ty: :O
Solo: *tears in her eyes* Is Blue okay?
Angie: O_O shit.
Jay: she was with-
Angie: us..*gets up*
Solo: Well where the fuck is she?
Angie: *grabs keys* shit. shit. shit. *panics* she was taking a nap upstairs and Kanye was in the kitchen making a sandwhich when-
Solo: BITCH YOU LEFT MY FUCKIN NIECE AT YOUR HOUSE ALONE???? *snatches Keys* *runs out the hospital*
Ty followed her..
Ty: wait up Solo *follows her*
Kanye: *runs over*
Kanye: *tries to calm Jay down* Jay, man it was an accident. I just realized it..
Jay: *pushes Kanye away* Nigga she aint no fucking dog! shes a child! *yells* Are you fucking kidding me?
Nurse: *grabs Jay* come on Mr. Carter.. we have to get you to the back to be checked...*assist him*
Jay: *gives Kanye the death stare* You are dead to me man..
Kanye: *tearing up* It was an accident man i swear..
Jay: Fuck you...*walks away with the nurse*
Kanye: *sits down with both hands on his head*
Angie: *tears up from the pain shes feeling and the guilt in her heart from leaving Blue*
(In Angie's Car)
Solo: *rushing to Angie's house* I cant believe that bitch!
Ty: Calm down Solo, im sure Blue is still sleep..
Solo: She better be or its Angie's ass! i promise you that!
Ty: I hope Bey is okay..
Solo: She better be or its JAY'S ASS! I promise you that! *pulls up at Angie's house*
Ty: *gets out*
Solo: *follows Ty*
The two of them ran into Angie's house. They observed the sandwhich that Kanye dropped on the floor along with the plate and cup of juice. After standing there looking at the broken plate, Solo ran upstairs and looked for Blue. Blue was still fast asleep on Kanye and Angie's bed.
This bitch is lucky, how could they be so damn irresponsible. I tell you, that damn Angie is a gotdamn airhead. If something would have happen to my niece i would have lost my fucking my mind. I gotta call my momma. she is gona be furious.
Ty: *runs in the room* Is she okay? *breathing heavy*
Solo: *holding Blue* Shes okay...*takes a deep breath*
Ty: Alright come on, lets get back to the hospital to make sure Bey is okay..*grabs Blue and walks out*
Solo: *grab Blanket and Blue's bag thats on the floor and follows Ty*
They both hop into the car...Solo called Mama Tina who freaked out when she heard of the news.. Mama Tina strongly suggested that they find a babysitter for Blue...she didnt feel she needed to be at the hospital...
Solo: Okay...ill call Daniel..*calls Daniel*
(Phone Convo)
Daniel: hey, everything okay?
Solo: with Angie yes, but *tells him what happend to Blue*
Daniel: Are you fucking serious?
Solo: yes..*tears up* Im on my way to bring Blue to you now...
Daniel: Cool..*gets up and goes downstairs* Ill be here..
Solo: alright *hangs up*
Solo makes her way to her house and she drops Blue off...
Daniel: *standing in the doorway* dont forget to call me and let me know whats going on..
Solo: Okay *gets in the car*
Ty drives back to the hospital... Solo's phone rings..its Miss Tina.
(Phone Convo)
Mama T: Where are you?
Solo: On my way back to the hospital...
Mama T: okay..me too. are you okay?
Solo: Mama, i dont know how to feel. i dont understand all of this. im confused.
Mama T: We can figure this all out when we get there...are you close?
Solo: pulling up now..
Mama T: Okay..i see you...*hangs up*
(Mama Tina)
Stay strong Tina...Stay stong. *gets out the car*
Ty, Solo, and Miss Tina walk into the hospital together...
Miss Tina: Solange...go see about Jay..ill go check on Bey..Ty you go check on Angie..
Ty: Okay Ms. Tina..
They all go up to the front desk together to get room numbers and go their seperate ways...
(Angie's room)
Angie: *having a contraction* ooooo mmmmmmm *breathes heavy*
Kanye: *holds her hand* you are doing great babe...
Angie: *contraction ends* *sighs* thanks babe *faint smile*
Ty walks in...
Ty: Heyy Biggums you okay? *smiles*
Angie: *giggles* Ty...*smiles* yes im okay...*sits up in the bed* besides the fact that everyone is mad at us..
Kanye: We really didnt mean to leave Blue...i mean, she slipped my mind. All i could think about was getting my wife to the hospital and fast.
Ty: I understand..you guys just should have payed more close attention. I had no idea Blue was there..
Angie: thats cause she was sound asleep upstairs..is she okay? *concerned*
Ty: Yeah, she was sleep when me and Solo got there...*smiles*
Angie: *takes a deep breath* thank God. ugghh this just makes me more nervous..what are we gona do with a baby? *shakes her head and tears up*
Ty: kill it...
Angie: :O
Kanye: o_O
Ty: Im just kidding...*chuckles* you guys will be okay..it was just an accident...im sure Jay will cool down and be fine..and Im not sure if Bey even knows about anything..
Angie: how is she?
Ty: I dont know..me, Miss Tina and Solo split up..Miss Tina is with Bey and Solo is with Jay..
Angie: I hope they're okay... :/ *another contraction comes* aaahhhhh *holds stomach*
Kanye: *holds her hand tight*
(In Jay's room)
Nurse: we are just gona keep you hooked up to this IV for about an hour Mr. Carter and everything should be fine...
Jay: Okay..thanks..
Nurse: no problem Mr. Carter..
Jay: how soon can i see my wife?
Nurse: I can check on that for you..
Jay: thanks.. :/
Solo: *walks in* Hey Bro..:/
Jay: *sits up* wassup..is Blue okay??
Solo: Chillll Jigga man, shes fine..she was sound asleep when we got there...*giggles*
Jay: I cant believe that nigga left my daughter in a mansion by herself..*gets angry all over again* Where is she now?
Solo: I dropped her off with Daniel and Juelz. Shes fine bro...relax...so tell me what happen...*sits down*
Jay: *sighs* I was cooking, and i went outside for something...i left the keys in the house...i was tryna get back in but *tells the rest of the story* then i heard sirens..
Solo: *tears up* Im so sorry Jay...
Jay: I am too..I mean, if anything happens to your sister, i will never forgive myself..
Solo: *closes eyes to keep in tears* *opens them but one tear escapes* Im sure everything will work out just fine...
Jay: I hope so...
Meanwhile, Mama Tina took quick steps as she rushed to room 230. when she finally made it there, she took a deep breath. expecting things to be bad, she snuck in quietly..but when she got inside of the room, Beyonce was sitting up..
Mama T: well hello sweetie *smiles*
Bey: *soft voice* Hey Mama..*faint smile*
Mama T: *kisses your forehead* everyone was so worried about you..
Bey: *coughs* Where is Jay?
Mama T: I think hes in another room..im sure he's fine..*smiles and rubs Bey's head* Angie's in labor :)
Bey: Is she? :) *tears up* Im missing it..
Mama T: Im sure she will understand...
Bey: where is Blue? she was with Kanye..
Mama T: She's with Daniel.. mama will explain everything to you when you get some rest...
Bey: But mama-
Mama T: But mama nothing..get some rest..Ill go check on Jay..
(1 weeks later)
Bey & Jay were both home from the hospital...the fire didnt cause too much damage to the house..they were staying in their house in Miami until the damages were fixed...Kanye and Angie gave birth to their now week old baby Danielle Leann West..Jay and Kanye still werent talking..When Bey found out about the situation with Blue, she wasnt to happy either. She kept her distance from Angie for the time being..
Jay was in the kitchen on the house phone...while Blue dressed Blue upstairs.
(Phone Convo)
Jay: Yeah im good, dont blame yourself..it wasnt your fault.
Person: I know, but i just feel so bad about all this..maybe if i wouldnt have called, you would'nt be living in Miami..
Jay: you say that like ill be here forever..*chuckles* the repairs should be finished by the end of next week..
Person: well, i miss you..
Jay: I miss you too..*chuckles*
Person: Is there anyway you can come down here for the day..*giggles* or the night?
Jay: *licks lips* I could make that happen..
Person: will the wifey let you come out and play?
Jay: cut it out. *chuckles*
Person: *giggles* Im just kidding
Jay: I-
Bey: *picks up the phone and dials numbers*
Jay: O_o Bey!
Bey: hello?
Jay: Im on the phone babe..
Bey: Oh. lol sorry..*hangs up*
Jay continued his coversation with ............ and Bey continued to dress Blue..
I keep forgetting that man's phone is broke..*shakes her head* guess ill call Mama later..*picks Blue up*
Bey: *kisses Blue*
Blue: *giggles and blow spit bubbles*
Bey: you think thats funny? *kisses Blue's cheeks*
Blue: *laughs loud and spits more bubbles*
Bey: *giggles* Mommy is funny huh? *laughs* come on lets go see Daddy...*grabs Blue's bottle and makes her way downstairs*
Jay was in the kitchen finishing up his conversation...
Jay: Iight, ill talk to her..ill call you later..
Bey: *walks in with Blue* talk to who? me?
Jay: ayyee my two favorite girls..*stands up and grabs Blue* Hey Daddy's baby girl..*kisses her*
Blue: *tries to grab his nose*
Jay: *chuckles* look at you all decked out *pulls down Blue's shirt*
Blue: *giggles*
Bey: *smiles* Shes getting so big..
Jay: lol she will be in One 2 months..
Bey: gosh..its been that long? feels like just yesterday i was-
Jay: eating all my damn food! *chuckles*
Bey: Stop! *giggles* *flenches at Jay*
Jay: *laughs* nah but she did get big fast though..
Bey: She did.. *grabs apple sauce out of the fridge* here feed this to her..
Jay: *takes it and feeds it to her* Babe, i need to talk to you..
Bey: about what? *grabs an apple out the fridge and bites it*
Jay: I have to go to New York for about a day or two..
Bey: For what?
Jay: *starts lying* well, i have to check on the work being done at the house and the studio..
Bey: Okay..well, what time do i have to be ready by?
Jay: *hesitates* you dont have to go if you dont want to..
Bey: *gives the death stare* Im going...
Jay: *sexy smirks* Go pack then...*feeds Blue apple sauce*
Bey: *kisses his cheek* mmkay *smiles*
Jay: your mother is something else..*chuckles*
Blue: *spits bubbles*
Bey and Jay made their way to New York that Night..They planned to stay in a hotel until the repairs were done in their home...
(In The Car on the way to the hotel)
Jay: I feel like i owe you..
Bey: *giggles* Why do you say that?
Jay: i dont know.. *puts his phone on the car charger* i wanna take you out tonight..just you and me..
Bey: *smirks* Okay..what about Blue?
Jay: do you think your mom could watch her?
Bey: Yeah..let me call her..
Jay: I think imma run in this store over here..*pulls over*
Bey: *puts phone up to her ear to call her mom* Okay babe..*looks back to make sure Blue is still sleep*
Jay: *gets out the car*
(Phone Convo)
Bey: Hey Mama, were here.. *smiles*
Mama Tina: Hey baby girl! how was the flight?
Bey: It was good. we arent to far from your house..at the corner store..
Mama Tina: Thats Great! did you guys check in the hotel yet?
Bey: No..not yet..
Mama Tina: Alright, well after you all get settled in, come and bring me my grandbaby..i miss her!
Bey: Thats what i was calling you about what..*giggles*
Mama Tina: What? *giggles*
Bey: Can you babysit Blue tonight? Jay wants to take me out...*hears a vibration and looks down*
Jay's phone was ringing..
Mama Tina: Of course! you know i like to have my grandbaby every chance i get!
Bey: Okay! we will bring her by around 8pm..
Mama Tina: Sounds good to me...
Bey: Thanks Mama..
Mama Tina: Anything for my baby..Did you call your sister and tell her you were in town?
Beyonce's answer is delayed. her attention is more focused on Jay's phone..a caller store under "Her" was calling..
Mama Tina: BEYONCE!?
Bey: hmm?
Mama Tina: *chuckles* did you call your sister?
Bey: *giggles* sorry mama, no i havent..ill call her later..
Mama Tina: alright, well call me when you are on your way..
Bey: okay..*hangs up*
Why do i always end up catching shit. "Her" could be anybody..i shouldnt have even looked down! I dont wanna confront him and feel stupid when he tells me its somebody i know..Maybe i should tell him his phone rang when he gets in the car, just to see how he will react. Fuck Beyonce..why did you look down?
Bey's thoughts come to a hault when Jay begans to make his way out of the store and into the car..
Bey: *rolls eyes and looks out the window*
Jay: Did you call your mom?
Bey: *sighs* yeah, i told her we would bring Blue at 8..
Jay: Okay thats perfect..*pulls off*
Bey: your phone rang while you were in the store...
Jay: *picks it up* Did you answer it?
Bey: No..i was on the phone with my mother..
Jay: *looks at his call log* Oh ok..*puts phone back down*
In just a few minutes, Bey & Jay pulled up at the hotel..they checked in, got comfortable and got dressed for tonights festivities..
As i stand here in the mirror and model this black dress to myself, im torn. I wanna ask Jay who "Her" is. Jay's gona flip if she's nobody important..He's gona think im a crazy person..a crazy person indeed. I dont know, maybe i should tell him that i saw "Her" calling...we have always been able to talk about anything...*picks up necklace*
Bey: *putting her necklace on*
Jay: *comes out the bathroom* mm look at you..*wraps towel around his waist*
Bey: *giggles* be quiet..come help me..
Jay: *stands behind her and helps her with her necklace* you smell good *kisses her neck*
Bey: *giggles* thanks babe...*turns around*
Jay: *fixes her necklace* you wanna know something?
Bey: sure..*smiles and kisses him*
Jay: you are beautiful..*smirks*
Bey: *giggles* thanks love..you arent too bad yourself..
Jay: *giggles* i try..*strokes her face*
Bey: Get dressed boy! *smiles*
Bey turns around to Blue who is on the bed with her toys...
Bey: How does Mommy look?
Blue: *puts hands up* *giggles*
Bey: Is that a yes? *giggles*
Blue: *covers her eyes* *big smile*
Bey: *giggles* Im gona take that as a yes..*laughs*
Jay: She thinks you look pretty! *laughs*
Bey and Jay finished getting dressed...they made their way to Miss Tina house to drop Blue off..
Bey: Ill take her in..*gets out and takes Blue out the car seat*
Jay: Okay...tell your mom i said hey...
Bey: I will *shuts the door*
*waves at Miss Tina* *sees Solo's car* Solo must be here...*his phone rings*
(Phone Convo)
Jay: wassup
Person: Hey..you here yet?
Jay: Im here..*chuckles* but i need you to stop calling me til tonight..
Person: with the wife?
Jay: yeah..where are you now? *smiles*
Person: Im at home..
Jay: iight, stay there...ill be by there later..
Person: Whats later?
Jay: Later is when i get there *smirks* Ill text you..
Person: Kay *smiles* *hangs up*
(Meanwhile in the house)
Bey: Her bottles are in her bag and there is a change of clothes in there if she has any accidents..
Mama Tina: Um, Ive done this before Beyonce..*laughs*
Bey: *sighs* *giggles* Sorry..
Solo: Just go on your date! Tell Jay i said hey! *gets up from the couch* Ill walk you to the door..
Bey: Okay *kisses Blue* Bye baby..
Blue: *spits bubbles* mamaa
Bey: *giggles*
Mama Tina: awww *kisses Blue* see you later Bey have fun!
Bey: alright mama i will! *starts walking out the bathroom*
Solo:*follows Bey*
When they get to the door, Solo Stops..
Solo: *whispers* So have you talked to Angie
Bey: No *rolls eyes*
Solo: Beyonce, come on shes our cousin.
Bey: And whats that suppose to me Solo? *yells* SHE LEFT ME DAUGHTER *calms down* in the house alone..
Solo: Bey, i gotta admit...i was upset too when everything first happend, but you have to understand..she was in labor..
Bey: *opens door* Look Solo i gotta go. I see you later..
Solo: *sighs* okay...Bye Bey..*closes door behind her*
Bey makes her way into the car. She and Jay end up at a restaraunt called LAFAET..(made it up lol)
Their dinners had just came out, and they were having a great time...
(At the Restaurant)
Bey: *giggles* It was NOT that bad!
Jay: Bey! I dont think anyone was as bad as you! *laughs*
Bey: whatever..*giggles*
Jay: *scoots closer* But that doesnt change my love for you at all...*kisses her cheek*
Bey: Jay..
Jay: hmm? *starts eating*
Bey: Do you ever get tired of me?
Jay: *eats* *chuckles* yeaaaahh of course..all the time..*laughs*
Bey: *giggles* Jay im serious! *punches him in the arm*
Jay: Alright, *chuckles* No..i could never get tired of you..
Bey: Are you just saying that so that i wont feel horrible about myself?
Jay: No..I mean it..*swallows food and kisses her* Eat your food..
Bey: *smirks* kay *eats*
I wanna believe Jay, but something just is not sitting right with me..I mean, earlier today, it almost seemed like he didnt want me to come to New York with him..and then, when he told me he was "outside taking a call" when the fire happend, it concerns me. Why did he go outside? then on top of all of this his phone rings with this "her" person. ugh. I just promised myself that i would be that crazy wife thats constantly assuming shit!.. I hated when Jay assumed me darryl slept together..i wouldnt wanna do that with him..the last time i assumed something, he was getting help with Daddy duties...but why am i so sad? could be because im on period, or could be because im just stupid..
I can tell Bey is in deep thought, shes barely touched her chicken..she loves this restaurant and the only thing she has ate all night is the slice of orange on the side of the plate...
Jay: Bey..
Bey: hmm?
Jay: you okay? *smiles*
Bey: *fakes smile* yeah *eats food*
The night went on, and Bey and Jay had a great time at dinner..
(In The Car)
*sighs* After we ate, Jay began to tell me how much he loved me and cared about me.. he said "I know i havent told you often, but i love you..you mean the world to me. There is nobody in this world that loves me like you do." Those words keep playing in my head...i think ill ignore my feelings this time..After tonight, i dont believe Jay would ever cheat on me...He loves me too much *smiles*
I had a good time tonight with Bey...Bout to head back to this hotel..its still early..*looks down at the radio and its 11:04* yeaah its still early..
Bey and Jay had back to the hotel..Mama Tina texted Bey and told her to come get Blue in the morning because she was fast asleep.
(At The Hotel)
Bey: Im so tired..
Jay: *chuckles* you have been a light weight ever since you had Blue..*laughs*
Bey: really? *laughs* *gets in bed*
Jay: yeah..Before you had Blue, we would be up all night..*chuckles* now, yo ass is sleep by 12am
Bey: Shut up! lol
Jay: *laughs* *goes in the bathroom*
Bey: *smiles* *gets comfortable*
(In The bathroom)
Jay: *sits on the edge of the tub and pulls out his phone*
Sends this text: Hey, Im on my way..waiting for her to go to sleep..
*his phone rings* it was Bey..lol
Bey: Can you come to bed? *giggles*
Jay: *chuckles and comes out the bathroom* I just got a phone call from the studio, imma head down there, and ill be back..
Bey: Jay, dont be all night..
Jay: i wont babe..ill be back in about 2 hours...*leans over her and kisses her* I love you..
Bey: okay, i love you too Jay...
Jay: *smirks* *leaves*
A few hours past..
*wakes up outta her sleep* *looks at her phone and its 3am* where is Jay? *sits up* I better call him..
*calls him*
(Where Jay is)
Jay: turn the music up!!
Person: *turns the music up loud*
(Phone Convo)
Jay: *yells* HELLO?
Bey: JAY?! where are you?
Jay: Im at the studio! Im sorry babe, i lost track of time!
Bey: well, will you be in soon?
Jay: *lying* give me another hour..Rihanna's here and want this track to be finished by the morning..
Bey: *sighs* Okay Jay..
Jay: I love you..
Bey: I love you too...*hangs up*
Bey lays back down for a second...
Something is not right...*sits up* Im going down to the studio myself...
Beyonce gets on twitter to check Rihanna's tweets..maybe she has tweeted something about being there..She makes her way to Rih's page and surely there is a tweet that says "studio fun.. :)"
*sighs* Bey maybe you are just thinking too much...or maybe you are thinking just enough...*sits up*
*calls Solo*
Solo: *sleepy voice* Everything okay Thu?
Bey: No, can you meet me at my hotel..i need you to drive me somewhere..
Solo: Thu-
Bey: Solo just get here, please..
Solo: *hears that be is upset* Ill be there in 10min..
Bey: *gets up and throws on sweats and a T shirt* alright..*hangs up*
Bey goes in the bathroom and pulls her hair big girls up into a ponytail..As she was brushing it, her phone rang, it was a text from Jay..
The text reads: Babe, I probably wont be home til the morning...its pretty busy here at the studio..I love you...text or call if you need anything..
Bey looked at the message...she looked at it for a bit as if the words of the text were going to change...Solo named popped up, she was calling..
Solo: Im outside Thu..
Bey: Okay..*grabs hotel Key off the dresser and her purse and leaves*
Beyonce makes her way down to the lobby..
Desk Clerk: Mrs. Carter..is everything okay?
Bey: *smiles* Everything is fine thank you..*goes out the front*
Bey made her way into Solo's car..
Solo: Thu, whats going on? Where is Jay?
Bey: *sighs* *tells her*
Solo: So you think he cheatin? :O
Bey: For a minute i didnt, but when he left the hotel tonight, he was acting funny, as if he was lying.....
Solo: So where are we going now?
Bey: well, he told me he was at the studio..lets go there, if he's there, then ill tell him i was just "stopping pass to make sure he was okay" If he isnt, ill go from there...
Solo: Okay..glad i got my bat in the trunk!
Bey: <_< would you stop? lol
Solo: Sorry..*giggles* *stops*
Solo and Bey make their way to the studio..they park and get out...Bey didnt see Jay's car, but that didnt mean anything..he doesnt always park in the front..sometime he parks in the garage across the street..She and Solo made their way into the building and got on the elevator..
Solo: Why do i feel so bad about this?
Bey: What do you mean? *pushes the 8th floor button*
Solo: I mean, look at you..you have on sweats and flip flops! i have on my pajama pants and i feel like were spying on Jay!..
Bey: Solo, would you man up!
Solo: *sighs* Im just saying Bey..you should trust Jay..
Bey: *rolls eyes* Im ignoring you right now..
Solo: *takes a deep breath*
The elevator hits the 8th floor when the doors open...
Rihanna was waiting with two friend for the elevator to take her down to the loby to leave..
Bey: O_O Hey! *smiles*
Rihanna: *hugs her* Hey Solo!
Solo: Heyyy Rih *hugs her*
Rihanna: What are you guys doing here?
Bey: We came to check on Jay..*smiles*
Rihanna: *confused face* I havent seen him all night!
Bey: really? *fake smile* he told me he would be here..
Rihanna: well he may be in his office..did you check it? *gets on the elevator and hits the lobby button*
Bey: No, ill head up there now..*smiles* Thanks Rih! *smiles*
Rih: No problem! see you guys later!
Solo: Byee Rih!
Bey and Solo take the stairs to the 9th floor to Jay's office...when they got there, the door was locked..
Solo: *gasp* nooo Jay :(
Bey: *tears up* *takes a deep breath* Im gonna call him..
Solo: yeah..maybe he stepped out for something to eat and he was coming back..
Bey: *calls Jay*
(Phone Convo)
Jay: *music blasting* Hey, Bey you okay?
Bey: where are you..
Jay: Im at the studio...
Bey: *looks around* the one on Bartram?
Jay: yeah, babe...im working with Rih right now...imma call you back..okay?
Bey: okay..*hangs up*
Solo: Well what did say?
Bey: "Im at the studio on Bartram..Im working with Rih.." *sheds a tear*
Solo: oh no.. :( *hugs Bey*
S/o to the BeyHive! you guys are sooooo amazing! I love you guys! MUAH!! Sorry for any errors! i didnt spell check at all!..
This is a fictional blog about BEYONCE GISELLE KNOWLES AND HER HUSBAND SHAWN COREY CARTER (JAY Z). It ALSO frequently mentions their family and friends! :)
Monday, July 30, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
"Flames With A Few Surprises"
Hello Hive, i know you hate me, but i finally updated!
In the last post, Solo, Bey, Ty, and Angie went out to lunch..Jay was home preparing a dinner for Bey... Solo revealed at lunch that she and an old friend had dinner and hes married..Solo was just about to tell Daniel.....
oh goodness! the words i want to say to Daniel are right on the tip of my tongue...i have to tell him! the secret will just make it wor-
Solange's thoughts were interrupted by Daniel..
Daniel: You okay babe?
Shoot, i think I'm experiencing word vomit! here it comes...
Solange: Daniel, i have to tell you something..
Daniel: *pulls cake out of the oven* what is it?
*House phone rings* Daniel answers it..
Daniel: Hello
Ty: Hey Daniel! is Solo busy?
Daniel: nah...hold on.. *hands Solo the phone* Its Ty..
Solo: O_O *takes the phone* hey Ty...
Ty: mhmm Bitch you was bouta tell em..*chuckles*
Solo: *takes a deep breath* how did you know?
Ty: I be knowwwingggg *giggles*
Solo: *sighs*
Solo: But Ty-
Ty: DO NOT DO IT! *hangs up*
Daniel: what was that about?
Solo: *lying* He wants me to go with him to a vintage photoshoot tomorrow...
Daniel: Oh okay...what did you have to tell me?
Solo: Oh.. i just wanted to tell you that i went to the store today and saw those ties you were looking for...
Daniel: o_O thats what you had to tell me?
Solo: yeah *fake laugh*
Daniel: *chuckles* why dont you go upstairs and take a shower...and ill bring you a cake..
Solo: Sounds good to me babe *smiles*
Daniel: Get on outta here den! *laughs*
Solo: *fake laughs* *goes upstairs*
She think she slick, i know that wasnt what she wanted to tell me...i guess she will tell me when the time is right... *shrugs* *gets cake out of the oven and shakes his head*
(Meanwhile at Ty's house)
Ty is on the phone with Angie...
Ty: well if you sit yo pregnant ass down your feet wont be swollen piggy! *giggles*
Angie: i know, i know. but Bey moves around so much...
Ty: Screw Beyonce at a time like this! maybe you need to ask her for sometime off before you have the baby...
Angie: I dont know, i mean i already asked her for time off after i had the baby...
Ty: AND your ass will add more time to that time! end of conversation! *chuckles*
Angie: Ty-
Ty: TY NOTHING! damn do i have to school all of you hoes? lol
Angie: *giggles* Stop!
Ty: Im done! *giggles* but we will be talking to Bey tomorrow..
Angie: *silence*
Ty: Piggy are you eating again? *chuckles*
Angie: *silence*
*phone hangs up*
Ty: what the hell? *looks at the phone*
(Meanwhile at Bey and Jay's house)
Bey is in the shower thinking..
what would my life be like without my wonderful husband? gosh, i mean without him, i honestly have no life without him..My sweet Jay...*smiles* He loves me and i am for sure in love with him...*continues taking a shower*
As Bey took her shower, Jay was taking a phone call outside..
(Phone convo)
Jay: I mean but she aint really that important..
Person: what do you mean she isnt that important? *giggles*
Jay: *chuckles* I mean what i said...you come before her...theres nobody in this world id rather work things out with then you...
Person: *smiles* you mean that Jay?
Jay: Of course...now listen, imma tell Bey that i have meetings tomorrow..that should buy me the whole day...and then we can spend sometime together...cool?
Person: you sure do know how to make me smile... *giggles*
Jay: *smirks* Aint that why you -
Jay is interupted by an annoying beeping sound...He immediately tries to open the door, but he locked himself out...
(Meanwhile upstairs)
Bey hears the same noise and immediately gets out the shower...As she steps out, she smells something funny... Jay must be burning the food again...The door was closed, so the smell wasnt to strong..Bey continued to do her normal nightly duties. She brushed her teeth, lotioned herself down, and even did a night mask...she hadnt done one of those in a while...after 20mins in the bathroom Bey was finished...
Jay was still outside trying to get in...He made his way to the garage door...but its closed and locked..
Jay: *to the person on the phone* shit..i cant get in my damn house..Imma call you back...
Person: *giggles* She locked you out already?
Jay: *chuckles* yeah whatever imma call you back..*hangs up*
Jay makes his way to the back patio door...as he looks through the glass door he cant believe what he saw... Jay saw flames all through the kitchen...there was smoke everywhere... he immediately looked around the yard for something to break the door with....
Bey opened the door to the bathroom and walked out...when she walked out, she realized that her room was a bit more cloudy then normal when she opens the bathroom door after a hot shower...
What the hell? *wrap towel around her*
Bey opened her bedroom and realized the house was covered in smoke... The smoke immediately overtook her as she made her way into the hallway and she been to cough...
Bey: JAY!
Bey automatically began to panic...she cried out to Jay but he didnt answer...The room was cloudy and she was surrounded in smoke. Bey began to feel a bit dizzy..coughing was becoming repeatative and she was beginning to panic even more...
As Jay was on the phone with an emergency unit, he finally found a rock to break the patio sliding door with..
Jay: *throws it*
*the window broke and Jay threw his phone on the ground
Fuck man, i gotta get to Bey...*gets door open and runs it*
Jay: BEYONCE!!!!!
Jay: BEYONCE!!!!!!
Jay is attacked by smoke automatically and begins making his way around flames and into the living room....the flames only lightened his way for a little while...as Jay made his way farther into the living room, the smoke became thicker and he was unable to see...
Jay: *coughs* BEY???!!!!!!
Jay: *coughs* BEYONCE!! *tries to make his way around the living room based off of memory*
Bey: *coughs*
Jay: Beyonce? are you *coughs* in *coughs* BEYONCE? are you in here?? *begins feeling around for the steps*
(Meanwhile at Kanye and Angie's house)
Angie: *standing in the middle of the dinning room floor* :O *looks down*
Kanye: *comes out the kitchen eating a sandwhich* Babe I- *looks down and drops plate* :O Is that?
Angie: Babe, i think my water just broke!
Kanye: *points* th- tha- tha- THATS BLOOD! :O *faints*
*The House phone rings, its Ty*
Ty: Listen Piggy, Dont be hangin up on-
Ty: Awww shit here comes the big head baby...*laughs* *gets up and throws clothes on* WHERES KANYE???
Angie: *holds stomach* ON THE FLOOR! TY get over here NOW!
Ty: Im on my way, imma call Bey and Solo!
Angie: okaayy *holds stomach* Kanye baby, please get up...
(In Ty's car)
Ty Called Solo first...
(Phone convo)
Solo: But why you so damn loud though? O_o
Ty: listen up home wrecker, ANGIE's WATER JUST BROKE!!!!
Solo: *sits up* WHAT?
Solo: Okay! *gets up and throws clothes on*
Ty: *hangs up and calls Bey*
no answer...
Ty: this bitch, you always gotta call her twice...*chuckles and calls her again*
no answer...
Ty: Look Beyonce Dont nobody have time for you...*chuckles*
Ty makes his way to Angie's house and they manage to get Kanye off the floor and make their way to the hospital...Solo met them in the loby..
Angie: *holds belly* The pain is getting worse babe...tell them i need a room NOW! mmmmmmmmmm *closes eyes tight*
Solo: Well, i see you're much calmer then Bey while in Labor.. *smiles*
Ty: unlike satan, she was pretty calm during the ride over here *giggles*
Kanye: whos satan?
Kanye: *chuckles* Oh... *makes his way to the front desk*
Solo: *giggles* Did you call Thu?
Ty: *looks at watch* its 11:38 pm. now you know her ass is getting that good ol Hova peen at this time of night! *laughs*
Solo: Would you stop! *laughs*
Ty: sike, i called her but she didnt answer! *giggles*
Solo: Ill call her...*calls Bey*
All of a sudden, a bunch of loud noise came rushing in through the emergency room doors...
Paramedics: *talking into a walkie talkie* were bringing her in now...*begins wheeling a woman in on a stretcher*
Solo: goodness this girl never answer her- *turns around* O_O Thu?
Solo turned around to a glimpse of a lifeless Beyonce on a stretcher with and oxygen mask...
Ty: Oh My God! :O
Jay walked in shortly after with two paramedics by his side.
Angie: *holds stomach* Jay what happend??!!
Kanye: *turns around*
Solo: *runs to follow her sister*
Nurse: *stops her* Im sorry ma'm you cant go back there!
Solo: *cries* But thats my sister!
Nurse: I understand that ma'm but only doctors are allowed pass this point..
Sorry this post is short guys! And i apologize for any errors! Do me a favor and comment, let me know what you think will happen next, or what you dont want to happen! Love you guys thanks for your patience! MUAH!
In the last post, Solo, Bey, Ty, and Angie went out to lunch..Jay was home preparing a dinner for Bey... Solo revealed at lunch that she and an old friend had dinner and hes married..Solo was just about to tell Daniel.....
oh goodness! the words i want to say to Daniel are right on the tip of my tongue...i have to tell him! the secret will just make it wor-
Solange's thoughts were interrupted by Daniel..
Daniel: You okay babe?
Shoot, i think I'm experiencing word vomit! here it comes...
Solange: Daniel, i have to tell you something..
Daniel: *pulls cake out of the oven* what is it?
*House phone rings* Daniel answers it..
Daniel: Hello
Ty: Hey Daniel! is Solo busy?
Daniel: nah...hold on.. *hands Solo the phone* Its Ty..
Solo: O_O *takes the phone* hey Ty...
Ty: mhmm Bitch you was bouta tell em..*chuckles*
Solo: *takes a deep breath* how did you know?
Ty: I be knowwwingggg *giggles*
Solo: *sighs*
Solo: But Ty-
Ty: DO NOT DO IT! *hangs up*
Daniel: what was that about?
Solo: *lying* He wants me to go with him to a vintage photoshoot tomorrow...
Daniel: Oh okay...what did you have to tell me?
Solo: Oh.. i just wanted to tell you that i went to the store today and saw those ties you were looking for...
Daniel: o_O thats what you had to tell me?
Solo: yeah *fake laugh*
Daniel: *chuckles* why dont you go upstairs and take a shower...and ill bring you a cake..
Solo: Sounds good to me babe *smiles*
Daniel: Get on outta here den! *laughs*
Solo: *fake laughs* *goes upstairs*
She think she slick, i know that wasnt what she wanted to tell me...i guess she will tell me when the time is right... *shrugs* *gets cake out of the oven and shakes his head*
(Meanwhile at Ty's house)
Ty is on the phone with Angie...
Ty: well if you sit yo pregnant ass down your feet wont be swollen piggy! *giggles*
Angie: i know, i know. but Bey moves around so much...
Ty: Screw Beyonce at a time like this! maybe you need to ask her for sometime off before you have the baby...
Angie: I dont know, i mean i already asked her for time off after i had the baby...
Ty: AND your ass will add more time to that time! end of conversation! *chuckles*
Angie: Ty-
Ty: TY NOTHING! damn do i have to school all of you hoes? lol
Angie: *giggles* Stop!
Ty: Im done! *giggles* but we will be talking to Bey tomorrow..
Angie: *silence*
Ty: Piggy are you eating again? *chuckles*
Angie: *silence*
*phone hangs up*
Ty: what the hell? *looks at the phone*
(Meanwhile at Bey and Jay's house)
Bey is in the shower thinking..
what would my life be like without my wonderful husband? gosh, i mean without him, i honestly have no life without him..My sweet Jay...*smiles* He loves me and i am for sure in love with him...*continues taking a shower*
As Bey took her shower, Jay was taking a phone call outside..
(Phone convo)
Jay: I mean but she aint really that important..
Person: what do you mean she isnt that important? *giggles*
Jay: *chuckles* I mean what i said...you come before her...theres nobody in this world id rather work things out with then you...
Person: *smiles* you mean that Jay?
Jay: Of course...now listen, imma tell Bey that i have meetings tomorrow..that should buy me the whole day...and then we can spend sometime together...cool?
Person: you sure do know how to make me smile... *giggles*
Jay: *smirks* Aint that why you -
Jay is interupted by an annoying beeping sound...He immediately tries to open the door, but he locked himself out...
(Meanwhile upstairs)
Bey hears the same noise and immediately gets out the shower...As she steps out, she smells something funny... Jay must be burning the food again...The door was closed, so the smell wasnt to strong..Bey continued to do her normal nightly duties. She brushed her teeth, lotioned herself down, and even did a night mask...she hadnt done one of those in a while...after 20mins in the bathroom Bey was finished...
Jay was still outside trying to get in...He made his way to the garage door...but its closed and locked..
Jay: *to the person on the phone* shit..i cant get in my damn house..Imma call you back...
Person: *giggles* She locked you out already?
Jay: *chuckles* yeah whatever imma call you back..*hangs up*
Jay makes his way to the back patio door...as he looks through the glass door he cant believe what he saw... Jay saw flames all through the kitchen...there was smoke everywhere... he immediately looked around the yard for something to break the door with....
Bey opened the door to the bathroom and walked out...when she walked out, she realized that her room was a bit more cloudy then normal when she opens the bathroom door after a hot shower...
What the hell? *wrap towel around her*
Bey opened her bedroom and realized the house was covered in smoke... The smoke immediately overtook her as she made her way into the hallway and she been to cough...
Bey: JAY!
Bey automatically began to panic...she cried out to Jay but he didnt answer...The room was cloudy and she was surrounded in smoke. Bey began to feel a bit dizzy..coughing was becoming repeatative and she was beginning to panic even more...
As Jay was on the phone with an emergency unit, he finally found a rock to break the patio sliding door with..
Jay: *throws it*
*the window broke and Jay threw his phone on the ground
Fuck man, i gotta get to Bey...*gets door open and runs it*
Jay: BEYONCE!!!!!
Jay: BEYONCE!!!!!!
Jay is attacked by smoke automatically and begins making his way around flames and into the living room....the flames only lightened his way for a little while...as Jay made his way farther into the living room, the smoke became thicker and he was unable to see...
Jay: *coughs* BEY???!!!!!!
Jay: *coughs* BEYONCE!! *tries to make his way around the living room based off of memory*
Bey: *coughs*
Jay: Beyonce? are you *coughs* in *coughs* BEYONCE? are you in here?? *begins feeling around for the steps*
(Meanwhile at Kanye and Angie's house)
Angie: *standing in the middle of the dinning room floor* :O *looks down*
Kanye: *comes out the kitchen eating a sandwhich* Babe I- *looks down and drops plate* :O Is that?
Angie: Babe, i think my water just broke!
Kanye: *points* th- tha- tha- THATS BLOOD! :O *faints*
*The House phone rings, its Ty*
Ty: Listen Piggy, Dont be hangin up on-
Ty: Awww shit here comes the big head baby...*laughs* *gets up and throws clothes on* WHERES KANYE???
Angie: *holds stomach* ON THE FLOOR! TY get over here NOW!
Ty: Im on my way, imma call Bey and Solo!
Angie: okaayy *holds stomach* Kanye baby, please get up...
(In Ty's car)
Ty Called Solo first...
(Phone convo)
Solo: But why you so damn loud though? O_o
Ty: listen up home wrecker, ANGIE's WATER JUST BROKE!!!!
Solo: *sits up* WHAT?
Solo: Okay! *gets up and throws clothes on*
Ty: *hangs up and calls Bey*
no answer...
Ty: this bitch, you always gotta call her twice...*chuckles and calls her again*
no answer...
Ty: Look Beyonce Dont nobody have time for you...*chuckles*
Ty makes his way to Angie's house and they manage to get Kanye off the floor and make their way to the hospital...Solo met them in the loby..
Angie: *holds belly* The pain is getting worse babe...tell them i need a room NOW! mmmmmmmmmm *closes eyes tight*
Solo: Well, i see you're much calmer then Bey while in Labor.. *smiles*
Ty: unlike satan, she was pretty calm during the ride over here *giggles*
Kanye: whos satan?
Kanye: *chuckles* Oh... *makes his way to the front desk*
Solo: *giggles* Did you call Thu?
Ty: *looks at watch* its 11:38 pm. now you know her ass is getting that good ol Hova peen at this time of night! *laughs*
Solo: Would you stop! *laughs*
Ty: sike, i called her but she didnt answer! *giggles*
Solo: Ill call her...*calls Bey*
All of a sudden, a bunch of loud noise came rushing in through the emergency room doors...
Paramedics: *talking into a walkie talkie* were bringing her in now...*begins wheeling a woman in on a stretcher*
Solo: goodness this girl never answer her- *turns around* O_O Thu?
Solo turned around to a glimpse of a lifeless Beyonce on a stretcher with and oxygen mask...
Ty: Oh My God! :O
Jay walked in shortly after with two paramedics by his side.
Angie: *holds stomach* Jay what happend??!!
Kanye: *turns around*
Solo: *runs to follow her sister*
Nurse: *stops her* Im sorry ma'm you cant go back there!
Solo: *cries* But thats my sister!
Nurse: I understand that ma'm but only doctors are allowed pass this point..
Sorry this post is short guys! And i apologize for any errors! Do me a favor and comment, let me know what you think will happen next, or what you dont want to happen! Love you guys thanks for your patience! MUAH!
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