In the last post, Bey and Jay were released from the hospital and were staying in Miami. Jay got a phone call from a "person" asking him could he come visit her in New York. Jay tried to come up with some BS excuse to tell Bey, but she decided to go along with Blue. They ended up staying in a hotel, and Jay wanted to take Bey out to dinner. The dinner was extremely romantic.. Jay impressed Bey until they got back to the hotel and he told her that he had to go to the studio late...Bey woke up in the middle of the night and Jay still wasnt there. She immediately called Solo and they both went to the studio looking for Jay.....(Picking up where we left off)
The elevator hits the 8th floor when the doors open...
Rihanna was waiting with two friend for the elevator to take her down to the loby to leave..
Bey: O_O Hey! *smiles*
Rihanna: *hugs her* Hey Solo!
Solo: Heyyy Rih *hugs her*
Rihanna: What are you guys doing here?
Bey: We came to check on Jay..*smiles*
Rihanna: *confused face* I havent seen him all night!
Bey: really? *fake smile* he told me he would be here..
Rihanna: well he may be in his office..did you check it? *gets on the elevator and hits the lobby button*
Bey: No, ill head up there now..*smiles* Thanks Rih! *smiles*
Rih: No problem! see you guys later!
Solo: Byee Rih!
Bey and Solo take the stairs to the 9th floor to Jay's office...when they got there, the door was locked..
Solo: *gasp* nooo Jay :(
Bey: *tears up* *takes a deep breath* Im gonna call him..
Solo: yeah..maybe he stepped out for something to eat and he was coming back..
Bey: *calls Jay*
(Phone Convo)
Jay: *music blasting* Hey, Bey you okay?
Bey: where are you..
Jay: Im at the studio...
Bey: *looks around* the one on Bartram?
Jay: yeah, working with Rih right now...imma call you back..okay?
Bey: okay..*hangs up*
Solo: Well what did say?
Bey: "Im at the studio on Bartram..Im working with Rih.." *sheds a tear*
Solo: oh no.. :( *hugs Bey*
2 Months Later…All of the repairs in the house were finised..
Beyoncé woke up to the cry of now 1 year old Blue..Its her birthday, and today they decided to have a huge birthday party at their house.
Bey: *rolling over* mmm Jay its your turn…*wakes up fully
and looks to her left* *sighs*
I hate when I do this. I have been doing this for the past
two days straight. When will I get over him? When will I realize that I cant be
in love with someone that has been untrue to me. Jay has been gone for a month
now, and im still missing him. Even after the night me and Solo found him at
that hussys house I still had feelings for him. But im strong. I had to set an
example for my daughter. I couldn’t take him back after that. Shit. *gets up* I
forgot Blue was crying.. Lord help me through today.
Bey: *walking in Blue’s room* whats wrong baby?
Blue: *crying and whining*
Bey: *picks Blue up*
Blue: siipppyyy *whining*
Bey: mommy will get you your sippy cup *makes her way out of
Blue’s room and down the steps with Blue in her arms*
Bey sat Blue on the counter and opened the fridge to get
some apple juice for Blue’s sippy cup.
Bey: You aren’t suppose to cry on your birthday! *smiles and pours
juice in the cup*
Blue: *reaches out* sippppyyyyyy mommyyyy!!!! *pouts*
Bey: alright, alright…*closes up the sippy cup and gives it
to Blue*
Blue: *hold cup with one hand and plays with her ear*
Bey: better? *smiles*
Blue: *takes sippy cup out her mouth and smiles*
Bey: You are a trip.. *giggles* you ready for your party
Blue: pawty?
Bey: *giggles* yes baby. Party. Its your birthday. *kisses Blue
and picks her up*
Blue: Birfdayyy! *giggles*
Bey: *laughs* yesss. Birthdayy! *picks Blue up*
The phone rings its Mama Tina..
The phone rings its Mama Tina..
Bey: Hello..
Mama Tina: Hey baby!
Bey: He-
Mama Tina: Where’s my grandbaby?
Bey: *giggles* shes right here…hold on. *holds the phone up
to Blue’s ear* Say hii grandma..
Blue: grama! *smiles*
Mama Tina: Haappy Birthhdaaay tooo youu..haappyy
birrrthdaaay tooo youuu.
Blue was boppin her head to the
Mama Tina: Haaappyy Birrrthhdaaayy grandma’s
babyyyy…Haaappyy Birrthdaaayy tooo youuu…yaaaaaaaayyy! *claps hands*
Blue: yaaaaayyyy *claps hands*
Bey: *giggles and takes phone from her ear* Shes clapping
Mama Tina: awww *laughs* I will be over there in a
minute. *giggles*
Bey: Okay, im gona get her dressed. *giggles*
Mama Tina: alright..*hangs up*
Bey was on her way upstairs when there was a knock at the
Bey: *adjuhst Blue on her hip and walks toward the door*
Blue: dowah mommy! *points to the door*
Bey: *looks through the peep whole* its Uncle Ty and Aunt
Solo…*opens door* hey ya’ll
Ty: HeyyyyyyyyYY! *walks in and takes Blue from Bey* Happy
Birthday Blueberry!
Blue: Birfday! *puts hands in the air and smiles*
Solo: Hey sis! *hugs Bey* how you doing?
Bey: Im okay. *smiles* where is Juelz?
Solo: He will be here for the party don’t worry, he’s with
Daniel getting his hair cut.
Bey: Oh okay!
Ty: We gone party today Blue? *laughs*
Blue: Pawty today? *smiles*
Blue: Pawty today? *smiles*
Bey: *laughs*
Ty: *puts Blue down* *giggles*
Solo: you say that like we about to go to a club. *laughs
and picks up Blue* Happy Birthday Bluuee *kisses her*
Blue: Aunnie SoSo..Birfday? *smiles and giggles*
Ty: alright Bey, what you need us to do?
Bey: Nothing right now. Jay is supposed to bring the cake
and Mama is bringing the decorations.
Ty and Solo: JAY??????????
Bey: *sighs* yes Jay.
Ty: Bey are you gona be okay today?
Bey: guys, I rather not talk about this around Blue.
Solo: sorry.:/ Did she take her bath yet? *bounces Blue up and
Bey: No, that’s what I was on my way to do.
Solo: Okay, ill do it. You go ahead and take a shower.
*heads up the steps with Blue* Are all of her things still in the same spot?
Bey: yeah. Everything is the same. Thanks Solo. *smiles*
Solo: No problem! *giggles*
Bey: *goes into the kitchen to wash out Blue's sippy cup*
Ty: *follows her* Bey.
Bey: hmm?
Ty: are you sure that you are gona be okay today?
Bey: Im sure. *fake smile*
Ty: yo ass is lyin!
Bey: I mean what else am i suppose to do? i cant tell him that he cant come to his own daughter's birthday party!
Ty: true...well if you need me you know im here...
Bey: I know...
Ty: here..
Bey: Okay Ty i get it...*giggles*
Ty: Go upstairs and take ya funky ass in the shower! lol
Bey: *laughs and starts walking out the kitchen*
Bey: SHUT UP TY! *laughs and goes up the steps*
There was another knock at the door...Ty went to answer it..
Ty: *opens door* Hey Miss Tina!
Mama Tina: Hey Baby...*struggling with the bags* carry one of these bags for me..
Ty: *takes most of the bags and sits them in the dinning room*
Mama Tina: *follows him and does the same* woo, where is everybody at?
Ty: Well, Bey's upstairs and Solo is upstair washing Blue up.
Mama Tina: Oh okay well help me with the decorations..
Ty and Mama Tina began the decorations. It was a disney princess theme and it came out really nice.
After about an hour, Bey, Solo and Blue came back downstairs. Blue was really excited when she saw the decorations..
Blue: Mommy!!!! *tugs on Bey's shirt* Birfday!!
Bey: *giggles and picks her up* I knoow!
Ty: *takes Blue from Bey* we bouta parrrrttaaaaay! *dances with Blue*
Blue: *mocks him* paawwtyyy *dances*
Ty: Awww shucks Blueberry...*laughs*
Mama Tina: *laughs* she is a trip!
Blue: Untle Ty dowwwwnn....
Ty: *giggles and puts her down*
Blue: pawwwtyyyyy *dances*
Ty: awww shucks get it Blue...*laughs*
Bey: Her Dad would have a fit if he saw her doing that..*laughs*
Solo: *laughs*
Now that Blue was all warmed up for her party, there was only one thing missing the cake...
Kelly: Bey..
Bey: hmm?
Kelly: where is her cake so i can put it on the table..People are starting to arrive..
Bey: Jay is suppose to be bringing the cake..
Kelly: well does Jay know that he is 20min late for the party?
Bey: yeah. I tried calling him, but he didnt answer...Ill try calling him again...
Bey called Jay's phone and didnt answer...
The party was really starting...Bey had women dressed up as the Disney Princess'. Everyone was eating, laughing and having fun..Blue was happy and thats all that mattered to Bey.
while they were opening Blue's gifts, the door opened. It was someone that Bey wasnt expecting...
Solo: Angie!!!!! *gets up and hugs her*
Angie: *holding the car seat* Hey *smiles and looks over at Bey*
Solo: I didnt know you were coming...
Angie: Your mom called me and told me their was a party going on for Blue today...i didnt wanna miss it...
Bey: *rolls eyes and goes into the kitchen*
Angie: can you watch Danielle for a second?
Solo: mhm *smiles and takes the car seat*
Angie: *goes into the kitchen*
Bey was in the kitchen cleaning up...
Angie: Bey...
Bey: *silence*
Angie: Beyonce you cant be mad at me forever..
Bey: says who? *rolls eyes and keeps cleaning*
Angie: Bey, im sorry. I swear i didnt mean to the leave Blue in that house alone. I was in pain and my water had just broke. It was an accident that will NEVER happen again...
Bey: I know that Angie...
Angie: Then why are you mad? *tears up*
Bey: *yells* IM NOT MAD...*calms down* i was just angry at the pride wouldnt let me forgive you...i mean understand this, you have a daughter now..if i left her in a house alone for longer than an hour, how would you feel?
Angie: I would be hurt..
Bey: exactly thats what i was, HURT.
Angie: Bey, we were so close. I just want us to be close again. i swear to you i didnt mean anything by my actions...
Bey: *tears up and turns to Angie* *wipes tear that escaped from her eye* gimme hug! *smiles*
Angie: *walks over to Bey and hugs her* I love you Bey and i really am sorry. *cries*
Bey: I love you too. I forgive you Angie and Kanye. *cries*
Angie: Ive missed you guys..*wipes tears and lets Bey go*
Bey: we have missed you too. *sniffs* where's Kanye?
Angie: He is swamped in meetings today..Im not sure if he will make it..
Bey: Thats fine as long as you and Danielle are here....*smiles*
Angie and Bey make their way back into the living room and engage in the festivities of the party...they took the games into the backyard. They kids were having sooo much fun. Bey was helping Blue blow some bubbles when...
Jay: Heyyyyyy! wassup yall! *holding the cake*
Bey: *rolls eyes*
Blue: *breaks away from Bey* Daaaddddyyyyyy!!!! *smiles*
Jay: *puts the cake down on the patio table* Heyy baby girl *picks her up* Happy Birthday!
Blue: Birfday!
Jay: *chuckles*
Solo: *glances over at the patio* Oh shit...
Ty: *walks over the Solo* who is that girl behind him?
Solo: :O thats her!
Solo: Aaleyah. The bitch Bey and I beat up...
Solo: ssshhhh, its kids here!
Ty: dont sssh me! *starts walking over to Bey and Jay*
Solo: *follows him*
Mama T: *glances over at the patio* *shakes her head and continues to play with the kids*
Jay: *kisses Blue* you having fun?
Blue: *shakes her head yes and smiles*
Jay: *looks over at Bey* Hey Bey..
Bey: *dry voice* Hey..
Ty: Hey Jay!
Jay: wassup Ty!...wassup Solo..
Solo: what up Jigga! *rolls eyes*
Ty: So who is this? *points to Aaleyah and crosses arms*
Aaleyah: Im Aaleyah *smiles*
Ty: like i said, Jay, whos is this?
Jay: Aaleyah is a friend of mine...
Bey: *sips kool-aid and gets up* nice to see you again Aaleyah...
Solo: *smiles* same! I wish that scratch on your face could say the same...*giggles and walks away*
Everybody: O_O
Aaleyah: look, i didnt come to start any trouble...
Blue: daddddyyyy dowwwwwwnnn *whines*
Jay: *kisses her* alright, alright* *lets her down*
Blue: *runs off to go play*
Bey: To be honest, i really dont care why you are here...just stay outta my way...*walks off*
Solo: Mine too..*rolls eyes and walks off*
Ty: PLEASE get in my i can sweep a path with your forehead! *walks off*
Aaleyah: *rolls eyes and mocks Jay* it will be fine babe...they wont bother you...*shakes her head*
Jay: come on babe, i didnt know they were gona act like this..Bey seemed fine on the phone when i told her you might be coming...
Aaleyah: yeah because you probably said "Shes a friend of mine" like you just did. *punches him the arm* You still have feelings for this bitch.
Jay: *rubs his arm* I dont have feelings for anyone!
Aaleyah: *death stare*
Jay: *catches himself* except you..
Aaleyah: *rolls eyes* we better not be here long...
Jay: We gone be here for as long as this party is going...its my daughters's party..
Aaleyah: whatever..
(Meanwhile in the yard)
Bey: *holding Danielle* ugggh he gets on my nerves!
Ty: I cant believe her brought her here!
Solo: Me either! he has really lost it!
Angie: Bey i dont see any love in his eyes for this girl...i feel like he brought her to make you jealous...
Ty: NO, he brought her to get that ass whooped a second time!
Kelly: Calm down mouth almighty!
Ty: *rolls eyes* *chuckles*
I knew i shouldnt have brought Aaleyah. I knew they were gona act this way...I still have feelings for Bey..Im always gona love my daughter. Aaleyah isnt even my type. My life has been so miserable without Bey. She was my only reason for living. i mean, even though she has been letting me see my daughter over the past 2 months, i feel like all i look forward to is seeing her when i open the door to my new apartment. I miss Beyonce..
I cant believe this nigga brought her! I can tell Bey is hurt.
Oooo i wanna punch her...Jay is dead ass wrong for bringing that girl here! "friend of mine" He is a LIAR! Bey needs to do something about this...
Damn. Im mad, but im not. I mean, im mad at Jay for bringing her, but im even more mad that i can find his so attractive after all of this....For the sake of Blue, i am trying to behave myself. God knows i wanna go over there and punch on her and him...chill Bey...chill...its not worth it...
Bey's thoughts were interupted by her name being called...
Jay: BEY!
Bey: *turns around* can you come her for a second?
Bey: *walks over to the patio* yeah?
Jay: your mom is ready to sing happy you have candles?
Bey: no. i thought you were bringing them, since you brought the cake. *looks at Jay like are you serious?*
Jay: I forgot all about it, but i was hoping you had some laying around...
Bey: *sighs* I guess i gotta run to the store...
Jay: I can do it..
Bey: *walks pass him and goes to get her keys*
Jay: Imma go with you..*starts to follow her*
Aaleyah: *grabs his arm* Where do you going?
Jay: With Bey to get the candles...*breaks free*
Aaleyah: *rolls eyes and sits back* *under her breath* you betta hurry back...
Jay: *runs in the house* aye Bey! Wait up! *runs out the front door*
Bey: *hops in the car*
Jay: *stands at the passenger door and knocks on the window* Bey..
Bey: *starts the car*
Jay: You not gone let me in?
Bey: *sighs* *opens the door* i told you i didnt need you to go...
Jay: *hops in the car* I wanted to go...
Bey: well you didnt have to...*rolls eyes and pulls off*
Jay: *chuckles* what if i wanted to?
Bey: *stops at a red light* whatever *shrugs*
Jay: Look Bey, i never got to say how sorry i was...
Bey: *sighs* Jay, not today..
Jay: Bey, i really am..i still love you...
Bey: *rolls eyes* *continues driving*
Jay: Ive been meaning to talk to you about something else..
Bey: & whats that?
Jay: Well, theres this appearence that i have to do..the guy was asking me am i gona bring my wife Beyonce..
Bey: And your point...
Jay: My point is that the media doesnt know we split up Bey...
Bey: Im not following..
Jay: can you come with me?
Bey: Oh. *yells* what you dont want the media to know you screwed some bitch after telling me that you were at the studio all night???
Jay: Bey-
Jay: *silence*
Bey: Cat got ya tongue Jay?
Jay: *takes a deep breath* All i asked was a question...all you had to say was no Bey.
Bey: & all the fuck you had to do was keep your hands off that dirty ass whore you walked into our daughter's party with and you would have had a wife to take with you to this appearance...*rolls eyes* you can handle the media on your own..*focuses back on the road*
Jay: can you just think about it?
Bey: I have thought about it...
Man i really fucked up. All i want is for us to be together again. i recognized the fact that i fucked up. Life without her and Blue has been extremely hard. I miss the both of them..
Jay has to realize that he cant just fuck me over and get me back that easy. I have to be an example to my daughter. i dont want her to think thats okay for things like this to happen. I love Jay, but he has to learn.
Bey's thoughts were interupted by her phone ringing... It was Solo..
(Phone Convo)
Solo: Bey you need to get here NOW!
Bey: What's wrong? What happend?
Jay: What's wrong?
SORRY FOR ANY ERRORS!!!!!!! Thanks for Reading Guys! Once again i apologized for not updating a freshman in college and its not easy to keep up a blog and school work! I promise I will update as soon as possible!
Ty: yo ass is lyin!
Bey: I mean what else am i suppose to do? i cant tell him that he cant come to his own daughter's birthday party!
Ty: true...well if you need me you know im here...
Bey: I know...
Ty: here..
Bey: Okay Ty i get it...*giggles*
Ty: Go upstairs and take ya funky ass in the shower! lol
Bey: *laughs and starts walking out the kitchen*
Bey: SHUT UP TY! *laughs and goes up the steps*
There was another knock at the door...Ty went to answer it..
Ty: *opens door* Hey Miss Tina!
Mama Tina: Hey Baby...*struggling with the bags* carry one of these bags for me..
Ty: *takes most of the bags and sits them in the dinning room*
Mama Tina: *follows him and does the same* woo, where is everybody at?
Ty: Well, Bey's upstairs and Solo is upstair washing Blue up.
Mama Tina: Oh okay well help me with the decorations..
Ty and Mama Tina began the decorations. It was a disney princess theme and it came out really nice.
After about an hour, Bey, Solo and Blue came back downstairs. Blue was really excited when she saw the decorations..
Blue: Mommy!!!! *tugs on Bey's shirt* Birfday!!
Bey: *giggles and picks her up* I knoow!
Ty: *takes Blue from Bey* we bouta parrrrttaaaaay! *dances with Blue*
Blue: *mocks him* paawwtyyy *dances*
Ty: Awww shucks Blueberry...*laughs*
Mama Tina: *laughs* she is a trip!
Blue: Untle Ty dowwwwnn....
Ty: *giggles and puts her down*
Blue: pawwwtyyyyy *dances*
Ty: awww shucks get it Blue...*laughs*
Bey: Her Dad would have a fit if he saw her doing that..*laughs*
Solo: *laughs*
Now that Blue was all warmed up for her party, there was only one thing missing the cake...
Kelly: Bey..
Bey: hmm?
Kelly: where is her cake so i can put it on the table..People are starting to arrive..
Bey: Jay is suppose to be bringing the cake..
Kelly: well does Jay know that he is 20min late for the party?
Bey: yeah. I tried calling him, but he didnt answer...Ill try calling him again...
Bey called Jay's phone and didnt answer...
The party was really starting...Bey had women dressed up as the Disney Princess'. Everyone was eating, laughing and having fun..Blue was happy and thats all that mattered to Bey.
while they were opening Blue's gifts, the door opened. It was someone that Bey wasnt expecting...
Solo: Angie!!!!! *gets up and hugs her*
Angie: *holding the car seat* Hey *smiles and looks over at Bey*
Solo: I didnt know you were coming...
Angie: Your mom called me and told me their was a party going on for Blue today...i didnt wanna miss it...
Bey: *rolls eyes and goes into the kitchen*
Angie: can you watch Danielle for a second?
Solo: mhm *smiles and takes the car seat*
Angie: *goes into the kitchen*
Bey was in the kitchen cleaning up...
Angie: Bey...
Bey: *silence*
Angie: Beyonce you cant be mad at me forever..
Bey: says who? *rolls eyes and keeps cleaning*
Angie: Bey, im sorry. I swear i didnt mean to the leave Blue in that house alone. I was in pain and my water had just broke. It was an accident that will NEVER happen again...
Bey: I know that Angie...
Angie: Then why are you mad? *tears up*
Bey: *yells* IM NOT MAD...*calms down* i was just angry at the pride wouldnt let me forgive you...i mean understand this, you have a daughter now..if i left her in a house alone for longer than an hour, how would you feel?
Angie: I would be hurt..
Bey: exactly thats what i was, HURT.
Angie: Bey, we were so close. I just want us to be close again. i swear to you i didnt mean anything by my actions...
Bey: *tears up and turns to Angie* *wipes tear that escaped from her eye* gimme hug! *smiles*
Angie: *walks over to Bey and hugs her* I love you Bey and i really am sorry. *cries*
Bey: I love you too. I forgive you Angie and Kanye. *cries*
Angie: Ive missed you guys..*wipes tears and lets Bey go*
Bey: we have missed you too. *sniffs* where's Kanye?
Angie: He is swamped in meetings today..Im not sure if he will make it..
Bey: Thats fine as long as you and Danielle are here....*smiles*
Angie and Bey make their way back into the living room and engage in the festivities of the party...they took the games into the backyard. They kids were having sooo much fun. Bey was helping Blue blow some bubbles when...
Jay: Heyyyyyy! wassup yall! *holding the cake*
Bey: *rolls eyes*
Blue: *breaks away from Bey* Daaaddddyyyyyy!!!! *smiles*
Jay: *puts the cake down on the patio table* Heyy baby girl *picks her up* Happy Birthday!
Blue: Birfday!
Jay: *chuckles*
Solo: *glances over at the patio* Oh shit...
Ty: *walks over the Solo* who is that girl behind him?
Solo: :O thats her!
Solo: Aaleyah. The bitch Bey and I beat up...
Solo: ssshhhh, its kids here!
Ty: dont sssh me! *starts walking over to Bey and Jay*
Solo: *follows him*
Mama T: *glances over at the patio* *shakes her head and continues to play with the kids*
Jay: *kisses Blue* you having fun?
Blue: *shakes her head yes and smiles*
Jay: *looks over at Bey* Hey Bey..
Bey: *dry voice* Hey..
Ty: Hey Jay!
Jay: wassup Ty!...wassup Solo..
Solo: what up Jigga! *rolls eyes*
Ty: So who is this? *points to Aaleyah and crosses arms*
Aaleyah: Im Aaleyah *smiles*
Ty: like i said, Jay, whos is this?
Jay: Aaleyah is a friend of mine...
Bey: *sips kool-aid and gets up* nice to see you again Aaleyah...
Solo: *smiles* same! I wish that scratch on your face could say the same...*giggles and walks away*
Everybody: O_O
Aaleyah: look, i didnt come to start any trouble...
Blue: daddddyyyy dowwwwwwnnn *whines*
Jay: *kisses her* alright, alright* *lets her down*
Blue: *runs off to go play*
Bey: To be honest, i really dont care why you are here...just stay outta my way...*walks off*
Solo: Mine too..*rolls eyes and walks off*
Ty: PLEASE get in my i can sweep a path with your forehead! *walks off*
Aaleyah: *rolls eyes and mocks Jay* it will be fine babe...they wont bother you...*shakes her head*
Jay: come on babe, i didnt know they were gona act like this..Bey seemed fine on the phone when i told her you might be coming...
Aaleyah: yeah because you probably said "Shes a friend of mine" like you just did. *punches him the arm* You still have feelings for this bitch.
Jay: *rubs his arm* I dont have feelings for anyone!
Aaleyah: *death stare*
Jay: *catches himself* except you..
Aaleyah: *rolls eyes* we better not be here long...
Jay: We gone be here for as long as this party is going...its my daughters's party..
Aaleyah: whatever..
(Meanwhile in the yard)
Bey: *holding Danielle* ugggh he gets on my nerves!
Ty: I cant believe her brought her here!
Solo: Me either! he has really lost it!
Angie: Bey i dont see any love in his eyes for this girl...i feel like he brought her to make you jealous...
Ty: NO, he brought her to get that ass whooped a second time!
Kelly: Calm down mouth almighty!
Ty: *rolls eyes* *chuckles*
I knew i shouldnt have brought Aaleyah. I knew they were gona act this way...I still have feelings for Bey..Im always gona love my daughter. Aaleyah isnt even my type. My life has been so miserable without Bey. She was my only reason for living. i mean, even though she has been letting me see my daughter over the past 2 months, i feel like all i look forward to is seeing her when i open the door to my new apartment. I miss Beyonce..
I cant believe this nigga brought her! I can tell Bey is hurt.
Oooo i wanna punch her...Jay is dead ass wrong for bringing that girl here! "friend of mine" He is a LIAR! Bey needs to do something about this...
Damn. Im mad, but im not. I mean, im mad at Jay for bringing her, but im even more mad that i can find his so attractive after all of this....For the sake of Blue, i am trying to behave myself. God knows i wanna go over there and punch on her and him...chill Bey...chill...its not worth it...
Bey's thoughts were interupted by her name being called...
Jay: BEY!
Bey: *turns around* can you come her for a second?
Bey: *walks over to the patio* yeah?
Jay: your mom is ready to sing happy you have candles?
Bey: no. i thought you were bringing them, since you brought the cake. *looks at Jay like are you serious?*
Jay: I forgot all about it, but i was hoping you had some laying around...
Bey: *sighs* I guess i gotta run to the store...
Jay: I can do it..
Bey: *walks pass him and goes to get her keys*
Jay: Imma go with you..*starts to follow her*
Aaleyah: *grabs his arm* Where do you going?
Jay: With Bey to get the candles...*breaks free*
Aaleyah: *rolls eyes and sits back* *under her breath* you betta hurry back...
Jay: *runs in the house* aye Bey! Wait up! *runs out the front door*
Bey: *hops in the car*
Jay: *stands at the passenger door and knocks on the window* Bey..
Bey: *starts the car*
Jay: You not gone let me in?
Bey: *sighs* *opens the door* i told you i didnt need you to go...
Jay: *hops in the car* I wanted to go...
Bey: well you didnt have to...*rolls eyes and pulls off*
Jay: *chuckles* what if i wanted to?
Bey: *stops at a red light* whatever *shrugs*
Jay: Look Bey, i never got to say how sorry i was...
Bey: *sighs* Jay, not today..
Jay: Bey, i really am..i still love you...
Bey: *rolls eyes* *continues driving*
Jay: Ive been meaning to talk to you about something else..
Bey: & whats that?
Jay: Well, theres this appearence that i have to do..the guy was asking me am i gona bring my wife Beyonce..
Bey: And your point...
Jay: My point is that the media doesnt know we split up Bey...
Bey: Im not following..
Jay: can you come with me?
Bey: Oh. *yells* what you dont want the media to know you screwed some bitch after telling me that you were at the studio all night???
Jay: Bey-
Jay: *silence*
Bey: Cat got ya tongue Jay?
Jay: *takes a deep breath* All i asked was a question...all you had to say was no Bey.
Bey: & all the fuck you had to do was keep your hands off that dirty ass whore you walked into our daughter's party with and you would have had a wife to take with you to this appearance...*rolls eyes* you can handle the media on your own..*focuses back on the road*
Jay: can you just think about it?
Bey: I have thought about it...
Man i really fucked up. All i want is for us to be together again. i recognized the fact that i fucked up. Life without her and Blue has been extremely hard. I miss the both of them..
Jay has to realize that he cant just fuck me over and get me back that easy. I have to be an example to my daughter. i dont want her to think thats okay for things like this to happen. I love Jay, but he has to learn.
Bey's thoughts were interupted by her phone ringing... It was Solo..
(Phone Convo)
Solo: Bey you need to get here NOW!
Bey: What's wrong? What happend?
Jay: What's wrong?
SORRY FOR ANY ERRORS!!!!!!! Thanks for Reading Guys! Once again i apologized for not updating a freshman in college and its not easy to keep up a blog and school work! I promise I will update as soon as possible!
Awww LMAOOOO post was GREAT ughhhh Jay ain't shit Jay ain't shit smh....I bet $100 Ty is beating angel or whatever her name is ass ctfuuuu she then said something and Ty probably went off...and yess that's right Bey put your foot down hmph make Jay work for your trust back YESSSS!!!!
ReplyDeleteIm glad Bey forgave Kanye and Angie and made up!
ReplyDeleteI hope nothing is wrong with Blue! But I do hope somebody is lighting into Aaleyah's ass!!! Lmao! And yes, I'm glad you have Bey not going back to Jay so easily and quickly. Jay ass has got to suffer! I think he is film of shit. If your life is do miserable with Bey and Blue, then why TF is he still fucking with Aaleyah? He out his rabbit ass mind. Kudos to Bey for making his life hell! He deserves!
Great Update!
P.S. I wouldn't mind Bey getting to know someone else. Make this break up last a minute. More interesting.
SMH !!!!! I'm so happy Beyoncé is NOT giving in to Jay and his "I'm still in love" bull crap !!!! He needs to go to this appearance by himself or with his hoe !!!! Smh! He should've thought about Bey and Blue before he told lies to that hussy!!!! Smh. I hope whatever happened back at the party isn't TOO bad because I can't anything else happening to Blueberry.
ReplyDeleteLnaoooooo! Ty>>>>>…
ReplyDeleteJays a piece of shit! And not sorry enough for me. He is so nonchalant about hurting his wife over and over it's disgusting. I don't think solo and bey should have fought aleayah, they should have been beating jays ass. Aleayah didn't take marriage vows with Bey, Jay did. And to bring the woman he hurt her with around beys friends and family is beyond disgusting. I mean he was so busy on the phone with his hoe, that he didn't notice his house was on fire and Bey was trapped inside?!!! And didn't he tell aleayah on the phone that Bey wasnt important to him?!! I think Bey should know all this before she decides whether she wants to be with his ass. And he should suffer for a minute because he's too calm for me. But anyway, good update and I look forward to reading the next one.
ReplyDeleteI don't like the way jay was acting but I folly want them to gt back together but I think jay should leave bey and not care and she shud miss him and they shud be back together I loved it when they were one big happy family